Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Quotations: Free Market Experience Points

"The paper grounds its argument in Foucault's lectures on biopolitics and liberalism (Sennelart, 2008) and Beck's work on the contemporary risk society (Beck, 2009) to focus on the mediation of the CRPG narrative. If, as McLuhan argues (McLuhan, 1994, 235), games function as faithful models of culture, then we should be able to examine the CRPG for its modeling of late twentieth- and early twenty-first century forms of rationality." Andrew Baerg, "Risky Business: Neo-liberal Rationality and the Computer RPG," in Dungeons, Dragons, and Digital Denizens: The Digital Role-Paying Game. Gerald A, Voorhees, Joshua Cal and Katie Whitlock, eds. P 154.

You know it's a quotation from an academic book when the citation is nearly as long as the quotation.

Later Days.

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