Saturday, July 30, 2011

Maybe it's my soulful eyes

I do mean to return to my scheduled academic discussion soon but... well, it's the long weekend. Let's take our time. Specifically, let's discuss this piece of spam I received today:

Subject: Hello Beautiful


I am looking for someone intelligent, ambitious, successful and not afraid of a challenge in a relationship. My ideal partner is very
attractive and has the maturity and self-confidence.

I'm looking for someone who considers herself extraordinary and wants the same. Someone educated, successful and ambitious and looking for a challenge in life
Sgt Larry Wayne

There are several questions that arise. Do I have the maturity? What list has my email address been put on? Does Mark Henry know my blog is authored by a teenage girl between 18 and 25 years old? (Update: according to, I am no longer a teenage girl, but a logical and analytical type. The plebians go on to say that I may appear "arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what you are talking about." Honestly, I don't know why I keep going to the proles for an opinion.) Why the repetition of "ambitious," "successful," and "challenge," but not "intelligent" or educated? What is the connection between CEO Mark Henry and Sgt Larry Wayne? Are they one and the same? Is it a pseudonym? Or are they two separate people? And if they are two separate people, exactly what sort of a relationship are they propositioning? What kind of a girl do they think I am?

So many questions. So few answers. Such is life.

Later Days.

Addendum: And no, it isn't entirely lost on me that I'm interrupting a series on academic professionalism to discuss some spam guy hitting on me. This is where that "deliberate choice to engage personal and professional" thing comes in.

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